Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year New Resolutions!

So it's a new year and we all are guilty of making resolutions. So my question is this??
Do you really stick to them??? I know I never have....but I am hoping this year will be different.

I think we have all made the resolution to diet or stop doing....fill in the blank....but again how many of us really stick to it? I was reading an article about this... and how millions of Americans resolve each year to get into shape. Come Jan 2 through about Mid to late March the Gyms are PACKED with people trying to stick to their resolution. Only to fail.
I've done it....sadly enough...and got suckered into a 2 year contract (monthly payment I couldn't afford) and only went for a couple of months.

Well I decided that this years resolution would be NO resolutions! Just take each day as it comes and just try to make better choices for 2009....I think I can do that...?? I hope... =D

I just want to wish every one a Wonderful 2009 and don't be so hard on will be everything you put into it and so much more!

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