Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where do we go from here

With all the changes going on in congress and the new guidlines the CPSIA is placing on all items related to childrens products. I am not sure what the future of Lil' Miss Mack or other SAHM seamstresses, is going to be. For now until all amendments are made to the current laws I will not be producing any new items. It is not worth the heafty fines and jail sentence that accompanies it.
I am truly disheartened if I will no longer be able to produce unique garments for children, but I will abide by this law. I will keep you updated on the status and how it will affect many small business owners who do what I do.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!

This is going to be short....I just want to say that my BABY is 2 today!! I can't believe that she is 2 already...where has the time gone??

Anyway, Happy Birthday MCKENZIE GRACE PAYNE you are so loved and just a wonderful blessing to all of us! WE love you!!!

Here are just a few pics of how you have changed over the past 2 years....

Friday, January 16, 2009


***Sale *Sale* Sale***

15% off all purchases and FREE shipping

on all orders over $100 dollars!!!

ENTER CODE at checkout:


offer expires 1/30/09

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Card Board Testimony

I saw this and I just had to share! I personally think this is VERY powerful stuff! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Save Handmade

As most designers know by now they are declaring Febuary 10th

For those of you still unaware let me educate you ever so quickly.
It seems that a new law has passed and will go in affect on Feb. 10, 2009, requiring that ALL
manufacturers, big corporations to mom and pop shops, of children's products will have to have all items tested for lead. A certification must be accompanied with each item.

Now what does that mean for any small business owner or even a SAHM who supplements their income from hand crafting items for children? EXACTLY the same thing it does for big manufacturers. We all will be bound by the same law and testing.
All of this is coming on the wings of the recent recalls of children's toys manufactured in china and imported to the US. I understand a need for safety regulations for things that our children come in contact with...but in my opinion this is not the answer.
They need to put tougher regulations on what is being imported in to the states.
Now I could go on forever with "my opinions" and I don't want to overshadow the issue at hand. So I have provided several links for you to investigate this for yourself and come to your own conclusion. However, if you are already informed and want to do what you can to save your businesses then please click on the "SAVE HANDMADE" bear below and sign the petition!
I know this personally affects me and thousand of other SAHM/WAHM and mom and pop shops who make boutique items for children. Note this is not limited to toys...this includes anything geared toward children 12yrs and younger. So all the beautiful OOAK boutique pieces that so many moms love to purchase for their children will be a thing of the past.
Examples...Tutus, custom made clothing, hairbows and accessories, custom shoes and of course toys...this is just a small list.

Please don't let this fall by the way side as this affects millions of people...INCLUDING big corporations. In a time of economic uncertainty this is not the time to further upset the economy and possibly put it in ruins. The worst thing we can do as Americans is to be uninformed!

Here are some additional links to help you get informed!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Clowning Around with The Giggle Girls!!

I am getting ready to head to the sewing room to see if I can get some creative juices flowing! I haven't sewn much in the past few months...other than completing orders. I however, have not created anything new. So I am hoping the ideas will floweth over!!

I am trying to come up with something for my design groups first launch of the year! The theme is
"Clowning Around with the Giggle Girls"
Now my take on it is just something FUN and COLORFUL! I personally am not a big fan of clowns...they freak me out if you want to know the truth. :-)

Anyway, be sure to check out Ebay and see the wonderful designs by this group!
January 12th-31st


Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Creative Process

I'll be honest I have been in a bit of a creative slump. I guess its not uncommon though. I mean writers get "writers block" so I'm sure a sewer (is that a word???) can have a sewing block.
Well, I reorganized my sewing room this past week...part of my NO resolutions was to purge a few things from my home...more exact was to purge from my sewing room.
It really didn't go to well, I have to admit. When I was in the process of "purging" I found a use for most of what I came across...LOL...and guess what happened???
My creative juices started going...I had to pull out a notebook and start jotting them down. Who would have thought that just by reorganizing I would become creative again.
I haven't created anything new in a couple of this will be a good start for my New Year!

I have been working on adding old designs to my website...but now I am excited to get started on some new ones!! I will post some pics when I get something new created...keep your fingers crossed it won't take that long! :-)

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year New Resolutions!

So it's a new year and we all are guilty of making resolutions. So my question is this??
Do you really stick to them??? I know I never have....but I am hoping this year will be different.

I think we have all made the resolution to diet or stop doing....fill in the blank....but again how many of us really stick to it? I was reading an article about this... and how millions of Americans resolve each year to get into shape. Come Jan 2 through about Mid to late March the Gyms are PACKED with people trying to stick to their resolution. Only to fail.
I've done it....sadly enough...and got suckered into a 2 year contract (monthly payment I couldn't afford) and only went for a couple of months.

Well I decided that this years resolution would be NO resolutions! Just take each day as it comes and just try to make better choices for 2009....I think I can do that...?? I hope... =D

I just want to wish every one a Wonderful 2009 and don't be so hard on will be everything you put into it and so much more!


These are just a few of my favorite designs!!!