Thursday, January 8, 2009

Clowning Around with The Giggle Girls!!

I am getting ready to head to the sewing room to see if I can get some creative juices flowing! I haven't sewn much in the past few months...other than completing orders. I however, have not created anything new. So I am hoping the ideas will floweth over!!

I am trying to come up with something for my design groups first launch of the year! The theme is
"Clowning Around with the Giggle Girls"
Now my take on it is just something FUN and COLORFUL! I personally am not a big fan of clowns...they freak me out if you want to know the truth. :-)

Anyway, be sure to check out Ebay and see the wonderful designs by this group!
January 12th-31st


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These are just a few of my favorite designs!!!