Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Creative Process

I'll be honest I have been in a bit of a creative slump. I guess its not uncommon though. I mean writers get "writers block" so I'm sure a sewer (is that a word???) can have a sewing block.
Well, I reorganized my sewing room this past week...part of my NO resolutions was to purge a few things from my home...more exact was to purge from my sewing room.
It really didn't go to well, I have to admit. When I was in the process of "purging" I found a use for most of what I came across...LOL...and guess what happened???
My creative juices started going...I had to pull out a notebook and start jotting them down. Who would have thought that just by reorganizing I would become creative again.
I haven't created anything new in a couple of this will be a good start for my New Year!

I have been working on adding old designs to my website...but now I am excited to get started on some new ones!! I will post some pics when I get something new created...keep your fingers crossed it won't take that long! :-)

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These are just a few of my favorite designs!!!