Monday, September 15, 2008

The Giggle Girls Charity Launch

I am very blessed to be part of a wonderful design group called the Giggle Girls Design Boutique

We are not only designers who respect each other but we are Girlfriends! Please check out what is going on with My girls right now!

We are doing a Charity Launch for a wonderful cause! Breast Cancer Awareness!!! A portion of the proceeds goes to

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Help us find a Cure!!

click logo to see listings


Much thanks to Tresor Bowtique
for the beautiful Logo and Template
for these Auctions!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My first blog on Lil' Miss Mack

OK so here it is!! I am new at this whole blogging thing but I figured how hard can it be right?
Well actually I'm not that new....maybe a bit behind. LOL

I currently have another blog that I do for My ebay group...It's called Giggle Gab.
However, I have been talking about doing my own personal one and just hadn't gotten around to it.

So here goes nothing! =D

I love writing out my thoughts but after trying to set up this page my brain is completely fried! I realized that I have so much to learn about life, liberty and the pursuit HTML....
(actually I am getting pretty good at the HTML part....maybe??? I guess that remains to be seen)

adding links, creating banner adds and really promoting your business!!

So having said that this will be the first of many blogs and hopefully I will learn a thing or two along the way!! I sure hope so....cause let me tell you...WHEW...this was hard!! =D one entry down...HOW MANY more to go????


These are just a few of my favorite designs!!!